Our Office’s COVID-19 Prescreen and Precautions

COVID-19 Prescreen Form

New Patient Paperwork COVID-19 Prescreen

At Ingber Dental, we are committed not only to your dental health but to your overall health. In light of the recent pandemic, we have put extraordinary measures in place to help protect you and your family. We have continued to practice hand hygiene and disinfection of dental equipment using hospital-grade disinfectants. We have also continued to sterilize instruments and equipment with high heat and pressure. Of course, we utilize new personal protective equipment (PPE) for each patient. In addition to the gloves and face masks that we wore prior to the pandemic, we have now implemented gowns, face shields, surgical caps or hairnets, and N95 KN95 masks.

To further prevent the spread of coronavirus, we have added in the following features:

  • Screening each patient for signs or symptoms of COVID-19 prior to their appointment
  • Taking the temperature of each patient and staff when they present to the office
  • Reducing the overall number of patients in the office at any given time
  • Disinfecting both clinical (such as the dental chair, all surfaces in the dental operatory) and non-clinical areas (such as chairs in the waiting room, doorknobs, and surfaces in the waiting room) frequently
  • Placing barriers in the waiting room and offering contact-free checkout


Prior to your next appointment, be sure to fill out the pre-screen above. As stated in the form, please let us know if you have experienced any of the following:

  • Fever within the last 14-21 days
  • Shortness of breath or any difficulties breathing
  • Cough
  • Flu-like symptoms, including gastrointestinal upset, headache, or fatigue
  • The recent loss of taste or smell
  • Contact with any confirmed cases of COVID-19
  • Travel within the last 14 days to regions affected by COVID-19

Additionally, we kindly ask that you arrive on-time rather than early to your next appointment, so we may minimize the number of patients in the waiting area. We also ask that you wear a face-covering to your next appointment.

Virtual Consultations

We have made a commitment to serving our patients while remaining socially distant. We now offer complimentary virtual consultations online for new patients or existing patients with specific dental concerns. To make a virtual appointment with one of our dentists, click here.

General Guidelines To Limit Contraction or Spread of COVID-19

The following guidelines can help you limit your chances of contracting or spreading COVID-19:

  • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
  • Maintain a safe social distance from others.
  • Avoid large crowds of people.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze with a bent elbow or a tissue.
  • Stay home if you do not feel well. If you experience a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, call your doctor.
  • Stay up to date on the latest information, through resources such as the World Health Organization or Centers For Disease Control and Prevention.

If you would like any other information on how our office is handling the novel pandemic, please feel free to give us a call at 202-331-7474. We look forward to improving your overall health by improving your dental health during these unique times!